Spotify Case Study

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UX/UI, Case Study, Research, Usability Testing
Spotify is an audio streaming & media services provider around the world.
Problem Statement

How might we make Spotify more like a social function so that users can make more personal connections through music?


Spotify lacks the ability for users to interact with other users on the app. Through my use of Spotify and research around the app there has been one issue that stood out over the rest. Users wish for the ability to communicate with other users on the app. In its current state, the most interaction one user can have with another is “Liking” a song or playlist that someone else put together. My research showed this is an issue because people like to share and talk about music with friends, family, and colleagues. Due to the lack of any user interaction, they resort to other social media apps/messaging apps to communicate about it.

Role: UX Researcher
Tools: Figma, Miro, FigJam
Timeline: 8 weeks


Find out what users want most in an updated version of the current app.
Understand where and what are some pain points for users.


• Internet Research
• Surveys
• User Research Plan
• User Interviews


Make Spotify have a social function so users can chat about music with others

Target Audience

Patients who are required to perform physical therapy to help aid them in recovering from an injury or underlining problem causing them pain or restriction in their normal day-to-day activities.


• Sprint Map
• Low-Fidelity Wireframes
• Find Participants
• Prototyping
• Usability Testing
• Revise Prototype
• Takeaways/Next Steps

Key Findings

"Need a button to join the group so the listener knows they are in joining the group and not just viewing it"
- Participant A

Low-Fidelity Wireframe
Final Prototype

The main takeaway from this is that there is a need and desire for a social function within Spotify.

After completing this, I went back and revised the prototype even more. I’ve gone to the next step in making a high-fidelity prototype which can be seen here. With the updated High-Fidelity prototype now constructed, my next steps would be to conduct more Usability Testing and get more feedback from the users on other improvements they’d like to see.

Full Case Study